June 30, 2023

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We’re so nice we even gave you a rest each round 🙂 

Today’s Ruck WOD is as follows.

15 Minute AMRAP
15 4-count flutter kicks (ruck overhead)
15 Russian Twists
15 Push-ups (ruck optional)
15 4-count Mountain Climbers
:30 rest

(Score is rounds plus reps. Post in comments.)

Interested in more work? Got a sandbag? Want to pay a few bucks? Check out GORUCK’s Sandbag & Ruck Training.

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One thought on “June 30, 2023”

  1. 3rd Ruck WOD for today
    5 Rounds
    All movements with a 25 lb. ruck
    61 YOA

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